I use this blog a lot for self expression. And at times, some of my readers leave great encouraging comments. I truly appreciate that.
I'm sitting at home by myself studying for Step 1, a little disappointed things didn't work out with that new, fantastic girl. I feel like I parallel the fictional Cyrano de Bergerac's life often.
So here I am, tired, alone, rethinking career options. A lot of first world problems, but someday I would love to have it figured out and see my labor bear something good.
I'm almost 3 years single, which makes me feel like a complete winner. Then someone will say I need to love myself and all kinds of pop psychology phrases, but they forget that all I really want is a genuine connection with someone who isn't a patient or colleague.
Life is so tiring, the hours of the day racing away like the water in a stream. I feel like I'm just gripping the remnants of my youth as tightly as I can.
Alone, tired, hungry, busy: my life over the past few years. May things look up, may I be happier, more relaxed.
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