Monday, November 19, 2012

"Will I live to see tomorrow?"

I feel like I need a leave of absence at times.  I don't know if I can handle the ICU at this point.  The hardest thing is sometimes working with the family and trying to comfort them.

It's so difficult and sometimes feels as challenging as twisting and turning wrought iron into a different shape.

I wish I could make things better for everyone.  Human suffering resonates with me too much. 

Maybe I need something where I don't encounter the acutely ill as often.  Something with a little more hope. 

I wish I had someone to have a good conversation with right now, who it wouldn't bring down.

I would honestly give everything just to relieve the suffering of those around me.

I need some time in the chapel.


  1. hey.
    i know it gets hard for us at times...but that is what being a doctor is all about, right?? we have to be strong only then can we help others.
    on a lighter note,.. i am going through my boards now...the stress is finally getting to me..wish this would all end soon...its hell..!!

  2. Dear emilyehoward, thanks for your readership! I'm thankful to have readers like you.

    Dear Shorya, absolutely. I went in understanding medicine is a life of sacrifice. You also have to be the strongest person in the room whenever you are delivering bad news or when someone is actively dying. There is no other feeling like holding someone's life in your hands. All the best on your boards, I know you're going to do great!
