Thursday, August 9, 2018

I've been trying to get myself to write a little more consistently.  Lately I've been falling asleep as soon as I get home on a regular work day or post call, without much time left to do anything else, except for taking care of my dog.

I think I take better care of my dog than myself, honestly.  She seems like the only good part of my life right now, since she's just a happy, comforting, loving dog.  We take a lot of naps together.  She just wants to see me and go on walks and I just want to be there taking care of her.

When I'm at work, I can't help but feel like being someone else.  I wish I could start over and have a different identity and different career.  It's an escapist dream.  I think of life being better and me being a positive person, I think of not being around people who make me feel bad about myself and take their stress out on me. 

I'm waiting for a positive, major transition phase in my life.  I'm not sure what it would be, but I wouldn't mind if it helped me get through these days.


  1. Is waiting for happiness to just show up in your life realistic? No.

    If you're unhappy, I encourage YOU to take steps to improve your mental health and situation. Life is only as good as you make it... Finishing residency is not going to magically make things alright again, because everything that plagues you now will just be there after graduation, especially if you stay in medicine. If YOU want better, then YOU need to take steps towards better health and happiness. Now.

    End of tough love rant. Continue to read your blog, and continue to be worried about you.
