Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dark Days 1

I guess the title I thought of for my daily series sounds like a comic book or TV series.
Today overall wasn't awful. It was exhausting though. I spent most of it tired and dizzy.  I tried fooling myself in was closer to the next month, but that's really not for another week.

More cold sweat.  More time pressure, more sleep deprivation.  At least someone actually taught me something today and treated me like a person.  

Today had a stressful start for a few reasons but overall wasn't too bad as other days I've had.  I doubt the days on average will be better next month, because of the nature of this place.

There's hardly any morale or enthusiasm here and everyone complains, literally everyone.
There's a song I listen to everyday that I'll have to share with you.  The lyrics I always hear in my mind are "pain is on the way out now," and I think about how things will get better with time, as in when these rotations are over.

I need to just think of other things during the day, things that make me happy, and to stop counting down the days.

Writing daily now has been helping me so far, I guess.

Tonight, like every night, I start missing my family before I even go to sleep. 

This is one of the moments where I go lay down in bed and hope tomorrow is as good as it can be.


  1. Hi, there are people trying to comment, offering help, but our comments are not showing up. Please seek help, please hang in there, things will get better.

  2. I have been where you are, and it is terrible. I'm also a trainee who worries whether I will finish or not. I have many of the same feelings as you toward the environment of medicine. I just hope it will be a little different when training is finally done. Know that you're not alone.
