Thursday, May 28, 2015

Medical School Memories

I feel like you don't get the full med school experience until you:

1. Perform a paracentesis to drain litres of ascites fluid
2. Suture knife wounds
3. Close caesarean section incisions
4. Put your one-hand knot tying to the test in the OR
5. Retract in the operating room for 12 hours straight without any breaks
6. Watch interns get chewed out for small, insignificant things
7. Spend rounding almost 1 hour per patient on medicine wards (and they're all stable)
8. Get quizzed in front of everyone of the team and get the answer wrong or don't know it
9. Get blood on your scrubs
10. Get sprayed with ovarian cyst fluid in the OR
11. Learn first-hand how much blood loss happens in caesarean and vaginal deliveries
12. Hide from the scary upper level/attending when they're in a bad mood
13. Feel absolutely sick and tired after working 30+ hours straight and you're dying for rounds to be over so you can go home
14.  You've thought about using Uber/hiring a cab to take you home after that 30+ hour shift
15. You've closed your eyes for a little while walking in the hospital hallway to catch some microsleep
16. Get surprised by the nursing team when they bring your medical team coffee/treats
17. Think about quitting and trying another career
18. Work with doctors who inspire you for the rest of your training
19. Always remember a medical fact because you got quizzed in front of everyone and didn't know the answer
20. Feel like you would do it all again if you could

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