Monday, November 5, 2012

Oh well.

Looks like my date isn't going to happen after all.  But that's alright.  Can't get hung up on things like that. 

As a medical student, or even just someone who isn't on an undergraduate campus anymore, it's just a challenge to meet new people.  You're busy, everyone's busy, you're on call, this and that need to be done.  Then you still need to take care of yourself and your apartment. 

I guess I'm lucky my schedule isn't too bad right now, but sometimes I do like work as an escape when things with a girl go less than well.

It may be early to say, but my entries are becoming a little more frequent and happier and more hopeful in tone.  Which is really because work is temporarily lighter and more bearable.  Now, if only I could get some much needed holiday time where everything is on pause and I'm on my own schedule. 

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