Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blogging on night call

It's quiet so far, some elective cases were done earlier and now things are tame.   Actually quite similar to my time on ortho trauma call, though I can't believe that was actually quiet.

Call is weird as a medical student, there's not really a lot you can do and you often get ignored or someone forgets to call you or text you.   It's a little different if you're on surgery, because then you get to go as a team and you can scrub in and retract and maybe even suture.  

The hardest part of call besides the medicine is flipping your schedule and staying healthy.  A lot of us eat a lot to stay awake or because we're bored and the we gain a ton of weight.  I was lucky to sleep a lot before call tonight, drank probably 3 cups of coffee, and probably 3 Clif shots and I'm less tired than a usual day but it's only 10 at night right now.

There isn't even a resident to follow here right now so I'm just reading and keeping an ear out for things.   Not really that educational of an experience, but that's what its usually like.  Well gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. Loved your post! You could also have a look at a patient's chart and pretend you have to present the case tomorrow morning in front of 30 attendings. That'll get you rolling and keep you from getting sleepy.
