Friday, July 22, 2011

Second Year of Medical School

Hey readers, I hope your summer has been amazing.  I'll be starting my second year of medical school pretty soon and am pretty excited, though I feel like the "vacation" that basic sciences is supposed to be will be ending soon.  I always try to find the up side to things, though: I'm excited that fall is coming since it's my favourite season, and it'll be cool doing systemic pathology (read: super time consuming and stressful but it beats the glycolytic pathway).

I'm also sort of concerned about rotations starting up in January.  I'll be sure to write more about those as they happen.  

Anyway, the second year of medical school is one where you start doing systemic disease and things come together, instead of frantically cramming disjointed subjects like biochemistry with histology and upper body anatomy.  It's the pathophysiology side of medical school, after learning (and forgetting, yikes) a lot of the normal physiology.

I feel that once you start second year, it's time to start reviewing stuff from second year.  I felt that after first semester of medical school there wasn't a whole lot to review, and our winter break was only two weeks anyway.  

So always be sure to take time to relax and unwind, because you still grow and develop as a person outside of school.

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